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Pearls Before Swine

Pearls Before Swine

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Recent Comments

  1. about 14 hours ago on Michael Ramirez

    Bill Barr is not above his politics. You call him odious so why do you trust him in this? Is it because he doesn’t like Trump and you agree with him so he is suddenly not odious here.

  2. about 14 hours ago on Michael Ramirez

    And Trump is known for hyperbole and extreme speech. His actions in office tell the real story. Name something Fascist he did in office.

  3. about 14 hours ago on Michael Ramirez

    What can be said about Rudy Giuliani? Oh he had to say under oath that there was no evidence. Something can be true and misleading at the same time. There is proof that a couple of polling places kicked the poll watchers out and covered the windows. There is proof that one place had burst pipe excuse that turned out to be false. The cases rolled in that had “equipment” in it. There is no evidence when there is no investigation in a reasonable time. There were many questionable issues that were swept under the rug. You are a friggin troll if you honestly think President Trump was responsible for any covid deaths. There is no hope for you if you are that simple.

  4. about 19 hours ago on Michael Ramirez

    I don’t discount her experience. She lived through interesting but very harsh times. That does not mean she is correctly assessing Trump. Everyone is susceptible to bias and her experience can actually have a negative lens coloring her view. president Trump fought against the corruption until the end of his term and then peacefully voluntarily stepped down. That is not the actions of a dictator and his speech and rhetoric are part of his method. He has a huge history of bombastic speech and you blow it out of proportion. I am smart enough that maybe you should think on what I am saying instead of dismissing due to your Trump hate.

  5. about 20 hours ago on Michael Ramirez

    No, I have solid debating skills. I am smart enough to understand his words and put them together for coherent thoughts. His “dictator” comment was not real, he clarified immediately that his first day would be drill, drill, drill and investigate the Jan 6th committee. Not round them up without a trial and toss them in a gulag. investigateAlong with that thought, the committee found results based on political influences. There Is plenty of evidence of corruption in the election but they dismiss any evidence out of hand without even checking the claims. I have read the findings of the cases that have been ‘tried’ and they are sham’s. You can’t discount what you don’t want to believe and call it valid.

  6. 1 day ago on Michael Ramirez

    Simply her hating Trump does not equate to her being correct. Trump has not done anything fascist that anyone can list. His rhetoric does not count. That is speech. Name some action or policy that is fascist. Just one.

  7. 1 day ago on Michael Ramirez

    What is wrong with calling for the military tribunal? He is saying they are traitors, which does have some credibility in that claim. The military tribunal is rhetoric.

  8. 1 day ago on Michael Ramirez

    You regurgitate the same tired trope. Obama did nothing to help the economic recovery, he sowed chaos. The economy was doing a mild recovery when President Trump accelerated it. President Trump made some bad decisions with covid, it was chaos. He should not have allowed the economy to be shut down and go along with the huge budget to pay people not to work. Biden made it worse. President Trump increase the middle class buying power and income. Fuel cost were low and our enemies were put in their place. Trumps presidency was the only one with zero new wars started and he brought a peace agreement. Biden might have said something intelligent but who can decipher his speeches?

  9. 1 day ago on Michael Ramirez

    The magnitude required for the conspiracy? When the media is all in and people can’t get the information and then those that do report and spill the beans are mocked, ridiculed, and ignored then it is easy to make your claim. Oh, someone would have spilled the beans! Many did. You ignore so it didn’t happen. Nice solution.

  10. 1 day ago on Michael Ramirez

    The last election was the most ignored with smoke and mirrors. The Democrats and news media(and courts) essentially put their fingers in their ears and shouted the mantra “I’m not listening, I’m not listening…” there is video and eyewitness reports of illegal actions but it is all denied and ignored. Many say the Hunter laptop story would have changed their vote if it had not been squashed. Yeah, keep repeating your mantra so you can maintain your belief. If there was nothing then the courts should have looked into all the claims and put this to rest. They did not for strictly political reasons.In order to make your point you have to waffle and use the vague qualifier " voter ID of some form…" That is your dodge. Your smoke screen. A state issued picture ID is the only varifiable method. What is the point of more than one day for voting? There are ways to address voting if you know your going to have an issue. There is not a single valid reason to allow open voting season unless you want to make it more difficult to verify voters and votes. If you can’t make the effort to vote than that is on you.