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Recent Comments

  1. about 9 years ago on Luann

    Ps Greg, Find me a Mother who would agree to let the Girl who she is suspicious of Trying to steal her daughters boyfriend move into her own home? the logical ending here is to Have Luann’s dad tell quill, Commit to my Daughter or Move on..and Luann’s Mom, To Make Pru an offer she can’t refuse, Like Leave Town and Leave Quill alone permananly and you get to keep your teeth!

  2. about 9 years ago on Luann

    Yeah I am a guy and 50, but I have been reading since you started…Time to Bring Aaron Hill back into the scene to give Quill a wake up call….And PS Prudence looks like some 0ver 50 flower child…..and Please Make Gunther and Tiffany Hook Up…