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  1. 13 days ago on Wondermark

    “…always…” – No, that is not true. It’s also a very racist leaning statement that just tends to make things worse. You should consider the big picture, not just your narrow, ignorant and biased view of things.

  2. 2 months ago on Outland

    … a racist divisive term most often (imho) used by ignorant racists as an excuse for their own resentment/hatred of others’ accomplishments; absolute inclusivity where it doesn’t exist – a LIE/untruth. Angst is typically an unfocused feeling – unlike racism which does focus…on RACE. Do better; leave the flock

  3. 4 months ago on Dogs of C-Kennel

    I’m still hating on NHRA for changing TF & FC to 1000’ …

  4. 4 months ago on Bloom County

    According to the original story, Lassie is a female Rough Collie dog, but not everybody knows that Lassie was never played by a female dog. From MGM’s first film in 1943 to the last episode of the famous TV series, nine different dogs played Lassie, and they were all male.Rin Tin Tin was a male German Shepherd.

  5. 4 months ago on Wallace the Brave

    August 2024, Washington State Standard:’The federal government will move ahead with plans to kill tens of thousands of barred owls in Washington, Oregon, and California to protect threatened spotted owls.

    The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced a decision on Wednesday to adopt a controversial barred owl management strategy that calls for lethal removal of the birds by shooting them with shotguns and, in some cases, capturing and euthanizing them.’

  6. 6 months ago on Pearls Before Swine

    …and Roger Peterson, the pilot. RIP

  7. 8 months ago on Wallace the Brave

    You have never played cow-pie frisbee? Cow-pie slip-n-slide?

  8. 8 months ago on Bloom County

    1913 to 1944

  9. 9 months ago on The Other Coast

    You expend a bit of effort and contact those that know. Asking here is akin to all the idiots that ask questions like this on FB. They spend more time/effort arguing and getting ignorant ‘advice’ than it would take them to EDUCATE themselves and do things properly – or at least NOT do things badly. Lazy mental attitudes; ignorance; stupidity. It’s pathetic and disgusting.

  10. 10 months ago on B.C.

    Who’s on First?