Superstore has large department+grocery stores and physically separate gas stations. “Co-op”s of various locations have physically separate grocery stores and gas stations, sometimes without a grocery associated with the gas. (Canada, and specifically Alberta.)
One distinction I have seen is that “y’all” is a collective reference, to all the folks as a group, whereas “all y’all” references/addresses the members of the group individually.
There is the apocriphal bar exchange between a ground-pounder and a paratrooper which begins with the leg opining that there are only two things which fall out of the sky, rain and bird sh!t, and then inquires of the airborne in which group he would include himself? Airborne, in response, is likely to take this as an invitation to vigorous non-verbal social interaction, until the matter is settled or the M.P.s (or police) arrive.
I suspect that there is confusion between modulated VHF analog TV input and direct video input via 3-plug RCA component cables.