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  1. about 1 year ago on Luann

    Mother of mercy—is this the end of Luann? I mean, it has to end at some point. This isn’t Gasoline Alley. Let alone the Katzenjammer Kids.

    The suspense is killing me.

    But not literally. Nobody’s ever making me jump out of a plane. Unless it’s about to crash.

  2. about 1 year ago on Luann

    Let me again explain what should be obvious. This is a COMIC strip. They’re supposed to be funny. Meaning the people need to have flaws. They can’t be perfect people living perfect lives. Because reading this, you’re supposed to think “Hmm—am I like that sometimes? Maybe I could learn something from these few illustrated panels with word balloons that would make me a slightly better person myself!”

    Bets loves Gunther. It makes sense she’d be mad about what Stef did, which was mean and shallow on a level Bets has never approached. (It’s pretty clear Stef has never been in love with anyone but herself, doesn’t even understand why Bets is angry—didn’t she get her web content more views? What could be more important?)

    Bets is learning. But it doesn’t happen all at once. Growing up, I mean. For some folks, sadly, it never happens at all.

  3. over 1 year ago on Luann

    Probably find out Stef got away while the getting was good. She’s not a gutsy person. Honestly, other than Ann Eiffel, she’s the one regular on the strip since I’ve read it who has no redeeming qualities of any kind. A comic villain, in essence. An anti-type. Maybe at some point she wises up but she works well as a foil for the others, as Tiffany (similar name) did before she wised up.

  4. over 1 year ago on Luann

    Gunther had a good time on the trip. He just didn’t want to drag it out. The hate for Bets is really confusing, since she’s obviously a good and talented person who simply is getting over-involved in the virtual world. Nobody commenting on a comic strip is in any position to critique. ;)

  5. over 1 year ago on Luann

    Does everybody realize this entire storyline has turned into a commentary on online commenters obsessed with what other people—even fictional people—should do with their private lives?

    The Gunther/Luann thing was NEVER happening. And I have no idea whether Bets & Gun remain a thing. I am pretty sure I’m not too pleased with the abbreviation of his name, though. He’s GUNTHER. Is a bisyllabic moniker really that hard to manage?

  6. over 1 year ago on Luann

    There’s been a lot of mean comments about Bets here.

    You want to bet the strip creators aren’t reading them?

    Congrats, haters. You made the strip. ;)

  7. over 1 year ago on Luann

    Sure. And of course we’re taking about a three (two?) comic strip panels on a discussion board with people we only know from a comic strip discussion board. You just get in from the 1920’s? How’s Moon Mullins doing? Or are you from the Yellow Kid era? ;)

    I knew she’d never considered her and Gunther split up. This is really important to her, and as people have mentioned, it’s how she can even afford college. It’s only been a couple weeks in Luann-time. My dad went on business trips longer than this. My mom never filed for divorce (well, we were Catholic). The big mistake was not to understand how he felt about it. I’m talking about Bets and Gunther now. I think…..

  8. over 1 year ago on Luann

    Is Punk still a kitten? How slowly does time move in the Luannverse?

  9. over 1 year ago on Luann

    In Bets’ mind, she was just pursuing her interests, while Gunther went back to his. She’s better at live-blogging her life than talking to people with the phone off. She took Gunther too much for granted. But you know, so has Luann. Who I don’t think is romantically interested in Gunther at this point. This is a very casual date between longtime friends. If Bets gets a bit jealous, maybe she’ll come to understand she can’t slack off so much on a relationship she cares about.

    She was smiling when she waved goodbye to him in that flashback. She absolutely did not see it as a breakup. But Gunther felt abandoned, even though he was the one leaving.

  10. over 1 year ago on Luann

    He doesn’t want to be alone. But he hasn’t gotten over Bets. Nor she over him.