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KeithJ63 Free

Recent Comments

  1. 1 day ago on Red and Rover

    The father of a friend invented the edible plastic added to McDonalds “Real Cheese”

  2. 2 days ago on Real Life Adventures

    And landed here again on 6/29/24 after hitting the Random Button on the last published comic from 12/31/23!

  3. 2 days ago on Red and Rover

    Did you know that McDonalds cheese has edible plastic in it?

  4. 7 days ago on Real Life Adventures

    Another random landing on a comic without any comments. Hit the Random Button on the last published comic from 12/31/23. Landed here 6/24/24.

  5. 9 days ago on Real Life Adventures

    Another random landing on a comic without any comments. Hit the Random Button on the last published comic from 12/31/23. Landed here 6/22/24.

  6. 10 days ago on Real Life Adventures

    Another random landing on a comic without any comments. Hit the Random Button on the last published comic from 12/31/23. Landed here on 6/21/24.

  7. 10 days ago on Bliss

    MCM stands for Mid-Century Modern.

  8. 11 days ago on Real Life Adventures

    Another random landing on a comic without any comments. Hit the Random Button on the last published comic from 12/31/23. Landed here 6/20/24.

  9. 12 days ago on Real Life Adventures

    Another random landing on a comic without any comments. Hit the Random Button on the last published comic from 12/31/23. Landed here 6/19/24

  10. 13 days ago on Fred Basset

    I was going to mention the Sherwin Williams commercials!