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  1. 5 months ago on Doonesbury

    Joe could’ve put SC Justices in Guantanamo Bay as an official act.

  2. 5 months ago on Shoe

    Standardized batteries that can be removed and replaced at battery exchange stations (converted gas stations) in 5 minutes would end range anxiety and help the transition. Customers pay for how much charge they used as recorded by car’s computer. They own the car but “rent” the battery between exchanges. A Chinese company already does this.

  3. 6 months ago on Bottom Liners

    Porsche makes an electric car.

  4. 6 months ago on Bottom Liners

    Coffee not grown in USA. Wait until Decaf Don puts a tariff on coffee if you want to see inflation.

  5. 6 months ago on Moderately Confused

    If Walter White was still alive and pre-cancerous (and had the money) he would drive one of these

  6. 6 months ago on Bottom Liners

    That’s not how statistics work. Take 4 people; 3 have an IQ of 110, 1 has an IQ of 70. The average is 100. Only one person is below average.

  7. 9 months ago on Bottom Liners

    One need not be hospitalized, physically injured, or stripped of ALL material possessions to be a victim of crime. To be a victim of DJT’s crimes one merely has to be a taxpaying resident of New York. TDS is the state of knowing Trump’s shortcomings but not caring that he is a proven serial fraud, philanderer, atheist, liar and waffler. I give thanks for my blessings but they didn’t come from the deity you imagine exists.

  8. 9 months ago on Bottom Liners

    I’m the victim of crime perpetrated by a repeat offender. The repeat lifelong criminal is Donald Trump.

  9. 10 months ago on Bottom Liners

    Who goes to Walmart? People who don’t understand the negative societal impact that retailer has spread. Famous for fighting against unions and for supporting horrible candidates, and many other policies to suppress progress. See the documentary “The High Cost of Low Prices”.

  10. 12 months ago on Bottom Liners

    Imagine if batteries were uniform and easily replaceable, and customers could pull into a battery exchange station (a gas station converted to store, charge, and exchange car batteries) and 5 minutes later be back on the road with a fully charged battery. No more range anxiety.