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The GOP has literally thousands of idiots to replace anyone that falls off their low bar limbo politicians. Marjorie Green could run for president and the poor GOPers would praise her intellect.
Trump promoters have mental cataracts for true democracy.
A Lauren Boebert Christmas card promotional moment.
Lauren Boebert mania.
Colorado Christian righties lined up to vote for Boebert, and her machine gun, every child touting, family Christmas card.
Pearls before swine lonecat. Folks who breastfeed on AR15s have lead neurologic damage.
He was the kid who ate so much paste glue in kindergarten his marbles got stuck that year.
What? Lead isn’t toxic enough for the NRA.
The GOP has literally thousands of idiots to replace anyone that falls off their low bar limbo politicians. Marjorie Green could run for president and the poor GOPers would praise her intellect.