The early poppy 3

popster227 Free

Very old guy with a big sense of humor.

Recent Comments

  1. 28 days ago on Non Sequitur

    Taken to the extreme, “Do more with less” becomes “Do everything with nothing.”

  2. 3 months ago on Non Sequitur

    The preacher was trying to get someone to say something, anything, nice about the deceased, but no one would speak. He pleaded, “Can’t anyone say something good about this man?” At last, an old guy in the back stood and said, “His brother was worse than he was.”

  3. 5 months ago on Pickles

    Absence makes the fond heart wander.

  4. 6 months ago on Non Sequitur

    A policewoman in a large US city specialized in taking down psychics and seers. At her retirement party, the chief credited her with the large number of these scammers she had stopped. She replied, “And not one of them knew I was coming for them.”

  5. 7 months ago on The Argyle Sweater

    Saw fruitcake at my local market last week selling for $29.99 for a 30 ounce cake. Good thing you only have to buy it once.

  6. 8 months ago on Non Sequitur

    There is a book called “Bitcoin for Dummies,” a title that sums up both the crypto concept and crypto buyers.

  7. 8 months ago on B.C.

    Yesterday I saw a copy of “Bitcoin for Dummies” in my local bookstore. IMHO no book ever had a more accurate title.

  8. 10 months ago on Arlo and Janis

    I stopped watching football when I realized the only enjoyable part of the game was seeing semi-literate multi-millionaires beating the c*** out of each other.

  9. 10 months ago on Arlo and Janis

    I know someone who actually did this. AFAIK, no regrets about ten years later.

  10. 12 months ago on La Cucaracha

    Same here. It started long before sunset and went until very late. It sounded like continuous rolling thunder. This morning we have a severe air quality alert.