Noble 10

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  1. about 16 hours ago on Luann

    He’s a plot device so that Brad and Toni get Shannon occasionally but not permanently

    A lot more than just “occasionally.” I’d amend the statement to “He’s a plot device used to explain away the rare occasions when Brad and Toni don’t have Shannon with them.”

    Your overall point is spot-on though.

  2. about 16 hours ago on Luann

    Yeah, it’s tough to take the girls seriously in their complaints about Stef when they’re the ones who keep choosing to live with her semester after semester. And how long has Tiffany been obsessed with Kip, yet she has yet to make any actual move on him? This whole thing is like running a marathon on a treadmill.

  3. about 21 hours ago on Luann

    While I agree that the rebranding story was stupid, it IS possible to tell a good story with limited characters. One of the best episodes of Family Guy was the episode “Brian & Stewie” which was a bottle episode featuring only those two. You just need the writing to be good enough.

  4. about 21 hours ago on Luann

    Not as bad as Frank with his weird sideways mouth, or TJ looking like he got hit with a dose of Joker Venom.

  5. about 23 hours ago on Luann

    Olaf’s gross sexualization of every female character in the strip (including Shannon on at least one occasion) makes a lot more sense now.

  6. about 23 hours ago on Luann

    Are we actually gonna see Jonah again? And it’s interesting how Toni’s word choice makes it sound like Shannon being with her father is the exception rather than the norm.

  7. 2 days ago on Luann

    Shannon sure gets left to her own devices a lot.

  8. 3 days ago on Luann

    Wow, what an a-hole. Moreso since Luann still relies on her parents for survival.

  9. 4 days ago on Luann

    That requires a bit more self-awareness than Luann usually shows, but then again it was a pretty good week for her, competence-wise.

  10. 4 days ago on Luann

    Maybe the same way that Ziggy walks around all day with no pants Winnie-the-Pooh style, and never gets called out by law enforcement for it. Try that in your neighborhood and see how well it goes for you.