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  1. over 6 years ago on Endtown

    So, where does Cooper’s attempt to talk to Velba fit in this? Velba seems to be off the hook? Or is she the next layer? I keep remembering her comment that she’ll be much happier when she doesn’t do the dirty work any more. or words to that affect.

  2. over 6 years ago on Endtown

    Aaron’s comment that Jacob is unfortunately the leader Endtown needs is feeling a lot uglier than I first thought.

  3. almost 7 years ago on Endtown

    I’m being obtuse because I am still trying to work it out. But there seems to be a range of authority inversions happening in Endtown. For example, IIRC the last time the rats tried crowd control by brute force, they got their heads handed to them and ended up retreating to the security station upstairs needing to change their pants. This is different than last time, but these are confident and determined rats. How did they regroup so well? It never seemed clear where idea of the Council came from and what their role vis-a-vis Mallard was. I might be wrong, but I felt Mallard could over rule them if he had to. As for Aaron, what Endtown character ever came ahead against him? So I wouldn’t count Mallard as down and out because of that. Withdrawn, yes. But still potent? Probably. It just seems that a lot of the old authority of Endtown is missing in action and the replacements are not working out (jackrabbit, police) or maybe too well (rats).

  4. almost 7 years ago on Endtown

    I still wonder where Mallard is in all this. He was pretty much the original boss.

  5. almost 7 years ago on Endtown

    I have only one question. Where is Mr. Science Duck in all this? The guy with enough political power to appoint Flask as head of security? He seems to have been missing in action for quite some time.

  6. over 9 years ago on Endtown

    Wasn’t Sarah’s last triumphant boast that she was a telemarketer in the old world? Wonder what, if any, part that plays.

  7. almost 11 years ago on Endtown

    Robert Nowall Hi, I’’ve been following for a while now and finally decided to comment. Think you may be onto something with the mutation changing their mindsets. Also, the lizard havens are beginning to remind me of Nazis and their view of untermensch. A bit like mutated Topsiders maybe?