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Please dont stop! this strip can grow and change with you! Take us with you go to a few days a week or even once a month
recipe please!
Bad boy with a soft heart meets debutante turned sweetheart
THE EVIL EVERYONE LOVES TO HATE… wonder what she’ll do next
les wants to see his birther get her comeupance
OMG! its about time! hoping that Tiffany gets some of her stuff back but can now relate a little more with the underprivledged
we eat at the table all the time makes for better childrens manners and family time. btw no electronics at the table either
how long has she had her schedule and didnt even bother to go up to the colege and say MAP OUT where and how long it was gonna take to get EVERYWHERE?
agreeance IS a word. it is a 16th century word that fell into disuse and was replaced with agreementlook it up on
Please dont stop! this strip can grow and change with you! Take us with you go to a few days a week or even once a month