don’t be lookin’ at Hazy like this isn’t a metaphor for every ‘KA-save’ you’ve ever made, Rip ..
like father, like daughter.
meanwhile, Jeri buys seven pairs of green bellbottoms and seven red & white striped shirts. probably seven pairs of ‘cherry’ earrings, too.
like snow boots.
not to mention Impossible Merryweather or Sopapilla..?
awww yeah
yay! a Shari story for Christmas.
♪ it’s a mall world after all
♫ it’s a maul world after all
♪ it’s Amal world after all
♫ it’s a maul Amal world
and while F-I-L says he wouldn’t have believed it, Kat was certainly already believing/imagining the worst.
at least she does seem very relieved to have been proven wrong.
don’t be lookin’ at Hazy like this isn’t a metaphor for every ‘KA-save’ you’ve ever made, Rip ..
like father, like daughter.