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  1. about 10 years ago on Luann

    The irony is that Rosa may be the most unskilled person in the village. She will probably need more help from villagers to survive than they will need from her. Well played, Rosa, well played.

  2. about 10 years ago on Luann

    Yes Gunther, go on to college and become an engineer, a teacher, a doctor or acquire some other useless skill that could change lives and transform communities, because I will learn so much more through my good intentions. Because that’s all that really matters — a desire to help, not the skills to do so. And no, I am not incredibly self-centered and selfish because I will not spend four years learning something useful that will actually help this village — what they really need is unskilled American teenage labor! So go on your way little man. I shall sweep and pick up sticks for humanity. And when some young person from this village expresses a desire to go to college, I shall tell them how blessed they are to live in this wonderful rural setting where they too can learn more than they would at Yale.

  3. about 10 years ago on Luann

    Yea, more strips involving an untrained, teenage “medical worker” going to help people. She may have been on the path to college — and to useful and practical skills — but now she’s on the path to what?

  4. over 10 years ago on Luann

    Good for Rosa! Why waste your time at Yale getting a degree and skills that could actually make a meaningful difference in someone’s life? Unskilled labor it is! Live the dream Rosa, live the dream!