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Prickly City

Prickly City

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Daddy's Home

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Next Door Neighbors

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Sherman's Lagoon

Sherman's Lagoon

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Baby Blues

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Edge City

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Over the Hedge

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Non Sequitur

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Arlo and Janis

Arlo and Janis

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For Better or For Worse

For Better or For Worse

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Glasbergen Cartoons

By Randy Glasbergen
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Pearls Before Swine

Pearls Before Swine

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Rose is Rose

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Calvin and Hobbes

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Dogs of C-Kennel

Dogs of C-Kennel

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Moderately Confused

Moderately Confused

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The Grizzwells

The Grizzwells

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Free Range

Free Range

By Bill Whitehead
The Other Coast

The Other Coast

By Adrian Raeside
Rabbits Against Magic

Rabbits Against Magic

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Working Daze

Working Daze

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Stone Soup

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Phil Hands

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Dog Eat Doug

Dog Eat Doug

By Brian Anderson
Bloom County 2019

Bloom County 2019

By Berkeley Breathed
Diamond Lil

Diamond Lil

By Brett Koth
Prickly City

Prickly City

By Scott Stantis

Recent Comments

  1. 7 days ago on Over the Hedge

    The downside is that NOW Vern is in all probability a M.A.G.A. republicanā€¦ ā€“ The trick is to STOP the infantile regression BEFORE HE HAS TO WEAR DIAPERS (UNLESS thereā€™s someone around to ā€œchangeā€ him ā€“ like a secret service detachmentā€¦)

  2. 11 days ago on Daddy's Home

    I grew up in the 40s and 50s when obviously the afterhours work was not quite so onerous and my solution was unique, at the time ā€“ i just bought duplicate books for the home; and having a relative who a superintendent of schools was paved the way for me, as wellā€¦

    Notes and notebooks I carried in a briefcase or satchel and yes, my classmates occasionally made fun of me , but, as I pointed out to them, I never let the nattering if inferior mind distract me from any of my goals,- and my 4 to 6 inches of height or my 20 to 30 pounds of extra weight didnā€™t hurt, either.

    I was only in one fight and that was in third grade where I took on a bully ā€“ once I knocked him down, I simply sat on his chest and bounced in co-ordination to his attempts at breathing until he started to turn blueā€¦didnā€™t even hurt my hands or scuff the polish on my shoesā€¦

  3. 18 days ago on Rabbits Against Magic

    Actually, I get most of my groceries locally, I avoid Whole Foods like the plague, I donā€™t listen to ANY podcasts and I get all my books off of ā€œUsenetā€ ā€“ I try very hard to buy ALL my clothing from the manufacturer and I I refuse to buy ANYTHING that is not the absolute BEST quality and / or locally sourced Iā€™ve got garments in my closet that are approaching 40 years old that are still good ā€“ the last time I bought a shirt ā€“ two years ago ā€“ I ordered it from L.L. Bean and paid almost $100 for it ā€“ but at 70 years old, I expect it to last longer than I willā€¦

    All it takes is a little forethoughtā€¦

  4. 22 days ago on Moderately Confused

    Another case of, "if he were HALF as funny as he thought he was, heā€™d be TWICE as funny as he REALLY wasā€¦a variant of which could be applied to Donnie John and ā€œintelligenceā€ā€¦

  5. 22 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    ā€œFortunatelyā€ just like jbruins84341 , I live close enough (New Mexico) that a ā€œboomā€ is probably all I would hear when Yellowstone blows then itā€™s over ā€“ and I refuse to worry about ANYTHING over which I have no control ā€“ Iā€™m in my seventies and the world is going to hell, anyway,,, as I grow older, Iā€™m beginning to appreciate my grandmotherā€™s attitude more and more, which was essentially, ā€œscrew itā€¦ā€

  6. 22 days ago on Arlo and Janis

    Interestingly enough, as a ā€œmaleā€, Arlow would not see the child as a ā€œdeal breakerā€ the ā€œfemaleā€ (Janis) however, might since SHE would be the likely all-round baby-sitter auxiliary mother -substituteā€¦

  7. 22 days ago on Over the Hedge

    My favorite ā€œbookā€ growing up was my third-grade ā€œreaderā€ called ā€œEngine Whistlesā€ ā€“ I loved that story, the characters, the plot, the milieuā€¦

    I was given the opportunity to reread it in my thirties and it had totally changed ā€“ it was simplistic, boring and altogether disappointingā€¦

    I am very careful when I revisit ā€œfavoriteā€ anything nowā€¦ the authors who have survived are vanishingly small ā€“ Sam Clemens, Harper Lee, Issac Asimov, Keith Laumer, Jean Shepherdā€¦

  8. 22 days ago on Drabble

    At some point in EVERY marriage there comes a time when we ALL realize that ā€œsupriseā€™ giftsā€ no matter HOW expensive, do not cut it any more, and we realize that having the spouse choose their OWN GIFT makes much more senseā€¦

    Oh, the ā€œsurprise giftā€ ALWAYS has a place, but ā€˜allowingā€™ the spouse to make their own choice becomes much more important ā€“ Iā€™ve been married almost 50 years (yes, to the same wifeā€¦) so Iā€™m not speaking blindly, hereā€¦)

  9. about 1 month ago on Speed Bump

    Donnie John doesnā€™t have a beard ā€“ and his boy Junior has one but its not white ā€“ however Donnie john has a LONG, LONG HISTORY of lying ā€“ technically, you can almost assume that ANYTHING that comes from his mouth or any of his posts was a lie and youā€™d probably be correct ā€“ Iā€™ve followed Donnie John since the sixties when he stood with his father in blocking blacks from their various rentals and this has always been the caseā€¦

    Trump is pathological in his lying ā€“ I suspect he has no clue where the truth is anymore and really doesnā€™t care, anywayā€¦

  10. about 1 month ago on Prickly City

    The Florida dude got it right in ā€œoneā€!

    It is interesting to note that Bennie the Italian was considered a megalomaniac while Adolf was diagnosed with multiple personality disorders and that 19 legally licensed American psychologists INCLUDING HIS NEICE has officially declared Donnie John as mentally UNHINDGED ā€“ obviously, being ā€œcrazyā€ is no impediment to governing ā€“ Hereā€™s my point ā€“ all were legally ELECTED politicians putting them in office WASNā€™T their fault that falls on the shoulders of the idiots and morons that electedthemā€¦