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  1. about 10 years ago on Garfield

    No, the Costco maple syrup only comes in a one gallon size…

  2. over 10 years ago on FoxTrot

    S’more appears to be a contraction of the phrase “some more”. The first recorded version of the recipe can be found in the publication Tramping and Trailing with the Girl Scouts of 1927.3 Although the exact origin is unclear, reports on the group as early in 1925 describe them.4 Merriam-Webster marks 1974 as the first use of S’more,1 though recipes for “Some Mores” are in various Girl Scout publications until at least 1973. In 1968 Clarice Nelms provided the following recipe: Place a square of milk chocolate on a graham cracker. Toast a marshmallow and put on top of the chocolate, then a second graham cracker on top of the toasted marshmallow and squeeze and you will want “s’more”.5 Still earlier references exist, such as the camp recipes section in the 1963 “Outing Activities and Winter Sports Guide” stating “By now, readers who watch their weight are probably rising in protest since none of these recipes could conceivably be called low calorie. But after all, camping trips are supposed to be fun. Why not relax, enjoy yourself, and have s’more?”
