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  1. almost 7 years ago on Luann

    “Tiffany Farrell? You mean, he have a daughter!?!?!?!?”Nah… Won’t happen…

  2. about 10 years ago on Starslip

    PixieDreams said, about 1 hour ago ….This is the intruction film of the “Red Alert 1” game. :)You won’t avoid war by this action.….But back to something serious.

    Communism & stalinism & maoism killed more people than Hitler..You know that the Red Kmehr killed 20% of their own population? Only for ideology?.The nazism was something Terrible!!!!But it wasn’t the worse that humanity created in the XX Century..But I have enought of people who aren’t able to see that wasn’t the worse “thing” which existed! It just show a lack of global knowledge..Allwas focusing on Hitler, this blinds peoples on everything else horrible which can, and will, try to come back!

  3. over 10 years ago on Starslip

    … after midnight???

  4. over 10 years ago on Starslip

    I thought that Kilrathis never did “art”…Using all their ressources to war, and specifically created assymetrical objects without decorations… In oder to get readfy for the “last fight”, winning or dying honorably when the God-Warriors will return.

    I remember their Dralthis and Vaktoth…