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Auntie Clockwise Free

Fully retired but Professor Emeritus at the Emily Carr University Of Art And Design.

Recent Comments

  1. 3 days ago on Nancy Classics

    Talented comic strip artists take liberties with sound production in a strip.

  2. 3 days ago on Nancy Classics

    I’m delighted to find a strip with Nancy and Sluggo slurping soup!

  3. 4 days ago on Nancy Classics

    This strip reminds me of Bushmiller’s élan with diagonals, and all the other geometries that Ernie mastered with his Nancy strips.

  4. about 1 month ago on Nancy Classics

    The first couple of panels show Sluggo to be literate and Nancy to be astonished!

    In panel #3, Sluggo, Nancy and even the dog is astonished!

  5. about 1 month ago on Nancy Classics

    My experience with RR track spikes is that they are square ratherthan round. Sluggo’s HUGE nails look like long, round nails to me.

  6. about 1 month ago on Nancy Classics

    In panel #1, dig the French Beret on the rich kid’s head, and the Polka Dot Bowtie he’s wearing!

    I wonder where Sluggo gets the very long nails shown in panel #3 and #4?

  7. about 1 month ago on Nancy Classics

    But it’s a drawing of a spider web. Creepy drawing? I don’t think so.

  8. about 2 months ago on Nancy Classics

    I find that the shadow of Peewee’s shoes to have shifted to the right and left in panel #3, but in the first two panels those shadows are only to the left.

    For Nancy’s shoe shadows, in the first two panels, the shadows are to the left and the right, while in panel, #3 Nancy’s shoe shadows are only on the left side of said shoes.

  9. about 2 months ago on Nancy Classics

    Even the dog in panel #4 is a jumper!

    And a dog jumping competition comes to mind.

  10. about 2 months ago on Nancy Classics

    Three Rocks can only do so much. Sluggo is a geometric property of the strip. The cloudburst is a GAG.

    I’m left wondering if Ernie overlooked the diagonal angles of the rain storm in panels #1 and #2, delivering Nancy’s appearances on a telephone.

    If I imagine myself looking in from outside Sluggo’s broken window in panel #3, the rain direction has a different angular direction of the rain storm signifiers in panels #1 and #2.

    Those rain drop diagonals are reversed and Ernie provides us viewers with no outside point-of-view of panel #3 where Sluggo’s voice appears.

    I enjoy this kind of Bushmiller puzzle-treatment that Ernie often gives to his strips.