I think C is just another troll getting his kicks from the responses that he provoked. I am just as guilty as anyone of feeding the troll. The difference is that I don’t assign him enough importance to remember him and recognize when his beady little head pops up. Good? Bad? Otherwise? I don’t really care.
We had a toy dachshund for a while. He was my son’s dog. One of the neighbor boys (a bit of a bully)came over to pick a fight with my son and the dachshund went after him. His grandmother retaliated by calling animal control. We had the option of paying the vet to quarantine him for two weeks or he would be put down.
Those were the only options available to us. If he had been a breed that is known to have aggressive tendencies, like a German shepherd, I would have had no choice. My dog would have been killed. So think twice before you consider allowing your dog to “do what they do.”
I understand your POV and agree with you. I still think it’s gross and my reaction is involuntary. I just hope the nose ring wearer can understand when I grimace and look away.
I don’t know about anyone else, bur I have to cope with respiratory allergies. Whenever I see someone with a nose piercing I immediately wonder how they blow their nose with that thing and I have to look away.
No the point of MAGA is love of country and wishing the same rites and opportunities for every citizen. The tears and angst are just a bonus.