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  1. over 9 years ago on Doonesbury

    As though being invisible in a grocery store or a Costco was undesirable! In and out, the standard pleasantries, without hidden agendas. Then back to a saner corner of the world you share with voluntary invisibles who get together to watch the visible charade parade by. Invisibly. GT probably savors that.

  2. over 10 years ago on Michael Ramirez

    “I wonder what America could accomplish if they all worked together on their mutual problems instead of simply, mindlessly, attacking each other.”

    Let’s see now. If by “America” you mean the corporate elites and their owners (the ones who really govern the US), they already believe they’re “work[ing] together on their mutual problems”: how to get still richer and more powerful while remaining beyond the reach of the electorate.

    If, however, by “America” you mean the people who believe that (1) there’s a substantial difference between the two parties, that (2) having two parties (or one more than in the old Soviet Union) is enough to represent the political spectrum of a country with 320 million people, and that (3) being able to choose between the two means “America” is a democracy, then … oh, never mind.