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The Masked Eevenger! Free

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  1. about 1 month ago on Richard's Poor Almanac

    I didn’t know Sir Graves Ghastly appeared anywhere outside of Detroit.

  2. about 2 months ago on Lio

    Greenland? You mean our soon to be 52nd state? =)

  3. 3 months ago on Pearls Before Swine

    You’re right. Now that GoComics has closed comments on political cartoons, it seems readers have found other strips on which to release their inner George Costanzas.

  4. 5 months ago on Wizard of Id Classics

    They certainly are.

  5. 8 months ago on Chip Bok

    Had Hamas not been using Gazans as human shields by hiding among them; had Hamas not built hundreds of miles of tunnels with entrances in homes, schools, mosques, and hospitals; if Hamas terrorists were not dressed in civilian clothing (all war crimes) there wouldn’t be thousands of innocents killed. We know that there aren’t as many women and children killed as Hamas claims.

  6. 8 months ago on Chip Bok

    @DangerGuy What is anti-Islamic about this cartoon? Hamas is responsible for every death in Gaza. Their destruction would be a huge boon for Gazans.

  7. 9 months ago on Michael Ramirez

    Busy week. Now where was I? Oh yeah. None of your accusations have been “documented and proven.” There was no “land grab.” Read a good history of Israel. I recommend “Israel, a History,” by Martin Gilbert. You haven’t condemned Hamas leadership for treating Gazans as anti-Israel pawns, teaching children that their highest goal in life is to become a Jew-killing martyr while they grow rich. Which Israelis have gotten “rich beyond measure?” And in your mind the US is a bad guy.

    OK. You win. Israel and the US are obviously the worst countries on earth, which must be why so many people from other, superior countries, have been flocking to the US and Israel (yes, Israel) for so many years.

  8. 9 months ago on Michael Ramirez

    Stop repeating Hamas’ lies. Palestinians are not being raped and murdered by Israel. Even Al Jazeera, around May 24, retracted their latest false claim. As for land grabs, they go the other way. “From the river to the sea . . .” is a call for a land grab and anti-Jewish genocide. So is “Globalize the Intifada.” Palestinians have only endured self-inflicted punishment due to their pathological Jew-hatred promoted by their leaders and foreign supporters.

    Excusing Hamas leaders’ theft of billions (not millions) in foreign aid because “everyone else is doing it” and ignoring the billions that went to building Hamas’ terrorist infrastructure rather than creating a functioning society clearly demonstrates that you care nothing for Gazans. It’s all about demonizing Israel, and yes, shilling for Hamas. This is the attitude that perpetuates the war and allows more death, destruction, and suffering.

    The only genocide was October 7. If you want “a scale of horror” look at the continued and much greater areas of death and destruction in Sudan, Yemen, Syria, Ethiopia, etc., that Israel haters ignore because Israel and Jews can’t be blamed.

  9. 10 months ago on Michael Ramirez

    And then there are the hostages. Including children. If Hamas hasn’t murdered them. If you can’t condemn Hamas for the hostages and their brutalization of the hostages, then any outrage you express toward Israel is posturing and sick moral inversion.

  10. 10 months ago on Michael Ramirez

    “Hamas for what they did?” You mean the rape, torture, and murder of men, women, children, and babies, and the obvious gleeful pride they took in their atrocities? They recorded the slaughter because they were proud of it. And you’ve said nothing against that massacre. You’ve parroted Hamas talking points and demonized Israel for defending itself. You haven’t mentioned Hamas’ use of their own people as human shields, their hundreds of miles of terror tunnels connected to mosques, schools, and hospitals, the squandering of billions of dollars in foreign aid Hamas stole to build their terrorist infrastructure, the fact that their top leaders are billionaires are living in luxury in Qatar due to the billions they skimmed from that same foreign aid. So yes, you’re shilling for Hamas, the terrorist murderers whose charter calls for the murder of Jews.