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  1. over 10 years ago on Get Fuzzy

    Cute, even on the second round :)

    I still maintain that my Bucky, a Siamese my folks and I named after Bucky Katt, would make mincemeat of Fungo and his entire ferret clan. I’ve also long held that, if we scaled my Buck up to about 40-50 lbs., playing with him would require some kind of armor suit :)


  2. over 10 years ago on Get Fuzzy

    LOL @ Katzenbooks45!’s comment, and the comic in general. I love that crazy cat!

    But it is rather curious … in 2002, I bought a thoroughbred Siamese that — yes — I had to name Bucky. My Buck was hell on wheels from day one, and he grew up to be a VERY big but lean, strong cat and, while he’s a total sweetheart, he’s also a b*d-a**. I can guarantee you he’d take Fungo Squiggly, and all of his little buddies for that matter, on a ride that poor ferret would never forget :)