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  1. about 10 years ago on Doonesbury

    Yes, the correct grammar is “lying,” but it is Roland who has shaky grammatical knowledge and not Trudeau. It makes sense that the ridiculous Fox reporter wouldn’t know the correct grammar, as he is a blowhard who spouts nonsense.

  2. about 10 years ago on Rose is Rose

    89% of practicing Catholics use artificial birth control, with their pastor’s blessings. If only those who followed all of the outdated rules of Catholicism went to church, there would be perhaps ten people at Mass— if that.

  3. over 10 years ago on Rose is Rose

    Tricia O,

    I understood the comic—my comment was directed to jenbrown1017.

    The comic is great!

  4. over 10 years ago on Rose is Rose

    @jenbrown1017What century do you live in? My husband and I both work full time and he has done laundry our entire marriage: 30 years. All the couples I know split housework as a matter of course. Can’t imagine otherwise! Perpetuating stereotypes isn’t funny.

  5. over 10 years ago on Stone Soup International Sundays

    That’s okay. Alix will still be eight years old next summer, and the summer after that, and the summer after that, etc., etc., etc. Today’s strip repeats last year’s going back to school theme. A little bit of aging (just a little!) would at least shake things up a bit (imagine the fun of new story lines if Holly and Alix move on to a new grade every five years or so…)

  6. over 10 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    Alberto, in Shakespeare’s time, a fourteen year old was much “older” than today (Juliet wasn’t quite thirteen, by the way), so it wasn’t creepy as it would be in a modern day play. I think today’s strip would have worked had the original “sixteen” been edited to “eighteen” or even “twenty-one” rather than the generic “older.” P.S. I thought “sixteen” was yucky when I read it in1985.

  7. over 10 years ago on Stone Soup International Sundays

    Vanpelt is right that in most strips, characters don’t age, but in those strips there is no continuing storyline as there often is in this strip. With all of Evie’s travels occurring over SEVERAL years, I do wish Jan Eliot would have the characters at least age somewhat, albeit more slowly than in real life.

  8. over 10 years ago on Stone Soup International Sundays

    Well, at least we know that no matter how often Evie goes away or for how long, the girls will not have aged one second since she left!

    I understand not wanting to age characters in certain strips where there is no sense of a real story line, such as is the case with Zits or Blondie, but it bothers me that Evie has traveled all over the world, misses her family while she is gone, and yet cannot remark on how much everyone has changed—since nothing and no one at home ever changes. Couldn’t Jan Eliot have the girls mature at least a bit, perhaps aging them one year every five years or so? Having Lucy be born was a nice step, but otherwise, the mix of active lives and static characters in this strip is really bothersome—and getting more so all the time. I’m not a huge For Better or Worse fan, but Eliot could take a lesson from that.