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Recent Comments

  1. almost 9 years ago on Luann

    For the power of love… why did it take so many comments for someone to comment on Back to the Future?

  2. almost 9 years ago on Luann

    I think this is just to prove the point that Gunther is intelligent academically but a putz when it comes to social intelligence… something which Tiffany has always excelled at :)

  3. over 9 years ago on Luann

    Dum Dum Daaaaaaa!

  4. over 9 years ago on Monty

    LOL am I the only one who went straight to youtube to search the tune? Sounds pretty sad….

  5. about 10 years ago on Monty

    Yeah… I got the reference too LOL but maybe her glasses were already outdated in the 80s ;)

  6. about 10 years ago on Luann

    @howtheduck … I think it isn’t a slam really at Yale. More her feeling she’d learn more hands on and in real life than sitting in a classroom. In many ways, I agree with that statement.

  7. about 10 years ago on Monty

    Well dentists are part of the “system” as well so it’s no surprise they wouldn’t believe in any common sense, outside of the box conversation :)

  8. about 10 years ago on Monty

    Well dentists are part of the “system” as well so it’s no surprise they wouldn’t believe in any common sense, outside of the box conversation :)

  9. over 10 years ago on Monty

    Thanks! haven’t thought about Moby in years! This one is from the Bourne movies www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICjyAe9S54c

  10. over 10 years ago on Luann

    Let the adventures begin!