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  1. about 2 months ago on Steve Kelley

    Prosecuting a criminal is not a political strategy, unless you are a member of the Republican Congressional staff.

  2. 2 months ago on Michael Ramirez

    RTE of iron oxide batteries according to Microsoft co PilotThe round-trip energy efficiency of current iron-based flow batteries varies depending on the specific type and design. Here are some relevant details:

    Iron-Based Aqueous Flow Battery:

    General Iron Redox Flow Batteries (IRFB):Iron redox flow batteries can achieve up to 70% round-trip energy efficiency. However, other long-duration storage technologies, such as pumped hydro energy storage, provide around 80% round-trip efficiency.Solid Oxide Iron-Air Battery:In a different context, a solid oxide iron-air battery operated under specific conditions (550°C, 50% Fe-utilization, and 0.2 C) exhibited a discharge specific energy density of 601.9 Wh/kg-Fe with a round-trip efficiency (RTE) of 82.9% for 250 hours of a cycle duration

  3. 2 months ago on Clay Bennett

    Some day, you should read the preamble to the Code of Hammurabi.

  4. 6 months ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    That’s not even kinda funny.

  5. 6 months ago on Henry Payne

    Payne can’t make up his mind. “Should I believe in state’s rights and ban abortion” or the Constitution and its amendments and ban Trump?"

  6. 6 months ago on Steve Kelley

    No. It’s because DT is a criminal.

  7. 9 months ago on Eric Allie

    Polls are always suspect because readers of the questions interpret them differently and the questions are not sufficiently nuanced for everyone to understand. e.g.“free speech should be legal only under certain circumstances” would be correct if you we intentionally intending to influence someone via a lie … think Trump suggesting you inject bleach to cure a virus.Polls with very short yes/no questions are basically useless.

  8. 11 months ago on Lisa Benson

    Fact of the matter is … we cannot drill enough or mine enough coal to keep up with demand for electricity. See Department of Energy website doe.govWe need to give up thinking that oil and gas are a solution and continue to develop the alternatives as fast as possible. The oil and gas lobbies are doing the same things as the tobacco industry did during the 70’s. That method killed (and will kill) many people.

  9. 12 months ago on Clay Bennett

    Is it really necessary to have your own label? The label seems to be preparing targets for idiots to insult. Stop making yourselves targets.

  10. over 1 year ago on Lisa Benson

    The only possible evidence for a “lab leak” would be an analysis of the number of reported infections of all types of infection in lab personnel. A normal “Level 5” lab would have a much smaller number of infections of any kind from lab personnel — not zero but smaller than the population. It’s nearly impossible for any of the agents to escape. The lab does not want personnel to even come into direct contact with the agents. The air escaping the lab is incinerated. Passage of air through the building is contained by negative pressure and airlocks. You have to shower and change clothes going in or out. Death by lightning strike is more likely than an agent escaping from a lab.“Low confidence” must be confidence in the FBI evidence.