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  1. about 1 month ago on Doonesbury

    I’m old enough to remember Polio and the nightmares it caused. Had school mates in braces thanks to Polio. I was in school when the pink suger cubes holding the vaccine came out and were given to kids in schools across America. NOT ONE parent objected to their kids getting the vaccine. No anti-vax nuts back then.

  2. about 2 months ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Calvin you got it wrong again! Only the quarterback can tackle a shortstop and thats only when they’re on a par 3 hole!! The fullback can only tackle the catcher after the 3rd out.. Baseball is easy once you learn a few rules! lol

  3. 2 months ago on Doonesbury

    Where have you been? Biden has had no problems in his speeches. Trump pretty much every day lies or makes up words.

  4. 3 months ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    As a kid back in the 60’s, we used our fireplace to help heat the house in winter. My parents would sometimes get those color logs which burn in different colors. We would learn later that they really can foul up your chimney. One night we got a call from the neighbors that flames were shooting out of our chimney. It turned out to be gunk from a few color logs burning in the chimney. We got the chimney cleaned soon after.

  5. 3 months ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Are you sure it exploded? It could have just taken off like a rocket! lol

  6. 3 months ago on Doonesbury

    Right up there with trying to sell bathing suits for cats.

  7. 4 months ago on Doonesbury

    Zonker had pot to take the place of women back then!! lol

  8. 4 months ago on Non Sequitur

    My mom back in the 60’s was big into Franklin Mint collectables. Pewter spoons, precious moments. plates. she had it all .. When she passed away in 2006. I went online to see what we could get for all these “valuable” highly sought items and I found that 99% was valued at less than what my mom paid for it in the 60’s ,70’s and 80’s

  9. 4 months ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    The reason the EPA was started is because NOBODY was cleaning up the enviorment. Especally big polluting companies. If you were around in the 60’s like I was you’d remember rivers so polluted that nothing lived in them. Smog so thick that there used to be warnings to stay inside on certain days. You don’t see that now do you? Thats because of laws put in place by the EPA.

  10. 4 months ago on Doonesbury

    Well considering that almost all of their male employees dated Kim at one time or another before she met Mike, I would say she was probably more sexually experienced than Mike when they started dating! lol