A few? 301 in six Pennsylvania Dioceses alone. The Catholic Church has a huge problem that goes right to the top and they’re not going to solve it until they meet it head on and do what has to be done. Even “His Holiness” Pope Benedict knew what was going on and tried to cover it up.
It’s working quite nicely in Canada, Australia, Japan, the U.K. and the E.U. Only in the US do we have children being routinely slaughtered in their classrooms. How many more children will you sacrifice so that your eccentric friends can stroll around in public with their AR-15s, a military weapon that was designed to kill as many humans in as short a time as possible?
So if they’ve been protected from illnesses like the common cold, how did birdhat know how to concoct a cure? Not only did it cure the common cold, it cured it instantly, something we still can’t do in the 21st Century.
I want the old Doc back, a serious, intelligent scientist, not this blathering ninny they’ve turned him into.