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Recent Comments

  1. about 4 hours ago on Luann

    If you have a cat, it’s definitely under. They’ll unroll the whole thing.

  2. about 4 hours ago on Luann

    What’s toilet paper?

  3. about 4 hours ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Rock on Calvin! (Insert Kick-A guitar riff) Fight the establishment.

  4. about 4 hours ago on Agnes

    He does have a beard. Ever hear of a boy named Sue?

  5. 1 day ago on Pearls Before Swine

    If I were a lamp, I would want my knob groped to turn me on. Come to think of it, I don’t need to be a lamp.

  6. 13 days ago on Sherman's Lagoon

    He’s going to realize that and start making up gossip.

  7. 19 days ago on Pickles

    That’s why McDonald’s 1/3 burger flopped even though it was the same price as the 1/4 pounder. People thought it was a smaller burger.

  8. 19 days ago on Peanuts

    I slept on the roof when I was younger, usually after getting stoned.

  9. 27 days ago on Sherman's Lagoon

    They go well with a legume sack chair.

  10. about 1 month ago on Luann

    Toni, Stef, Gunther’s mom and Luann’s mom. These seem like the only women in this strip who aren’t virgins. So, I think Kip is out of options. Tiffany has always just been a tease.