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Seinfeld: They discovered the Mississippi? Yeah, like we wouldn’t have found it anyway.
It would be more useful to teach that their “discoveries” were already known for centuries to the original natives of “America.” “Not knowing hurts everyone” — not as much as “white discovery” hurt those already populating the continent.
Holds up better than Allen’s reputation.
Well, that’s settled that then. Thank the gods for the intellectual powerhouse that is the Non-Sequitur comments column.
They’ve been replaced by data.
On Twitter, Trump forms function.
What on earth is the point of complaining about birds? They exist. Get used to it or, being Texas, blast them into extinction..
Indeed, like dumb Americans who call Shakespeare an “overrated playwright.”
‘Major Calv from ground control … Goodbye!’
Putin’s office, so he could dispense with the two-mile-long desk.
Seinfeld: They discovered the Mississippi? Yeah, like we wouldn’t have found it anyway.