Fox News is by far the largest and most influential “news” outlet. They have dominated the landscape for at least the last 8 years. They have driven the narrative of a “horrible economy”. (Polls show that HALF the people believe that unemployment is at an all-time high and that the GDP is shrinking and that stocks are dropping. Of course, none of that is even close to true.) They have beat the drum to make mountains out of culture war molehills. “Liberal media” doesn’t stand a chance.
Opposite. “The powers” WANT publicity. Publicity would’ve been the ONLY reason to include her. Great college career but not as proven on the professional level as others that were selected.
I live in NE Ohio and have never seen a full service pump (in Ohio) since I started driving in 1981. (Doesn’t mean they don’t exist, just that I’ve never come across one.) Saw one in TN about 20 years ago and was surprised when the guy came over after I already started.
What have we had the last 4 years? 1 year of high inflation and 3 years of normal inflation. Wages have outpaced that total inflation. Unemployment is down. Gas prices down. Stocks are up. Yet Trump (and Fox) somehow convinced more than half the country that the economy is bad. Oh, and outrageous across-the-board tariffs are going to “fix” it !
It’s been about 40 years since I’ve heard “mistake on the lake”. Doesn’t apply much anymore.
As for Watson, he certainly hasn’t been worth all the money, but their problems have been more due to multiple injuries on the o-line than him. (They had to move their all-pro guard to tackle. Plus no Chubb.) He’s had no time to throw.
They had a good team with very crappy QB play, so they took a big risk. Isn’t working out, but I can’t blame them for taking the chance.
“I am a golden god.”