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TheOtherJim Premium

Retired tech writer/bass player living the dream on the left coast

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  1. 2 months ago on Non Sequitur

    A law passed in 2020 extended the time for filing charges by 2 years, in response to the pandemic. (Another avenue of extension would have been the fact that Trump was “out of state” for a protracted period, but prosecutors didn’t need to argue that.) Charges would have been filed earlier, by Federal prosecutors, but Trump had Barr force them to drop the case.

  2. 6 months ago on Non Sequitur

    1 – This is flat-out hilarious. And genius.2 – As has been stated, the sign on the other side of the street has the same message.3 – As shocking as it may seem, actual people who run off the side of a cliff start to fall immediately, NOT when they finally realize that they’re running in mid-air.4 – Also… It is not possible for a duck to have his bill blown sideways by the blast from a shotgun, nor is it possible for him to straighten out his bill afterwards.5 – May I direct you to “The Cartoon Laws of Physics” ? (>

  3. 8 months ago on Pearls Before Swine

    That’s an awful lot of complete nonsense packed into one reply. Your “news” sources appear to be wealthy right-wing propagandists like Jesse Watters, and this would be why you can’t cite one credible source. Then again, you endorse Project 2025, which would bring back the “spoils” system for government jobs (like the folks who run Social Security…), radically slash taxes for the wealthy – which is what the comic we’re supposedly commenting on is talking about – and accelerate the destruction of the climate. I hope you don’t have grandchildren, because none of this will make them very happy. Have a nice day.

  4. 8 months ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Actually, the Biden administration – unlike the Trump administration – steadfastly honors the independence of the Justice department. Trump, you may recall, directed William Barr to quash the investigation into Trump’s fraud. (Alvin Bragg eventually pursued it on a state level.) Trump also demanded that both his AGs prosecute Hillary Clinton for {checks notes…} nothing in particular, since she broke no laws. And Trump wanted to go after Nancy Pelosi (still does!) and all the members of the Jan. 6 committee because they hurt his feelings. I could go on, but you have no interest in facts, only your own distorted beliefs.

  5. 8 months ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Donations to PACS are anonymous, and that’s where people like Timothy Mellon, Isaac and Laura Perlmutter, Linda McMahon, Robert Bigelow, and Patricia Duggan put their money. If you want to guess who they’re supporting, I can tell you that his name rhymes with Ronald Clump.

  6. over 4 years ago on Non Sequitur

    If you’re going to use a word because you think it’s scary, you should first find out what it really means. It would also help if you provided a reasonable basis for your assertion. For the record: People who have supported our form of government (a constitutional republic) all their lives (and who have a considerable record of having done so) tend not to suddenly change gears to a different ideology. By the same token, people who have had an authoritarian bent (with racist overtones) all their lives ALSO tend not to change, as we’ve seen these last 4 years.

  7. about 6 years ago on Non Sequitur

    That’s why I’m here. My paper cancelled it, I complained, and they offered a totally lame excuse, but the end result is they won’t run Non Sequitur.

  8. about 6 years ago on Non Sequitur

    What jvo said. Germany gets 13.6% of its electricity from solar, despite being considerably less sunny than, say, California. (We’re in California, have solar panels, one electric car and one hybrid.) Excuses are easy; action is hard. Either way, we’re all going to fry and/or drown if we don’t do something.

  9. about 6 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Usually, these things are about who screams the loudest and not the actual offense. And the rationale that my paper, the Sacramento Bee, used, is silly: they can’t trust Miller NOT to insert another profanity into another strip. Actually, they can’t trust any of the comic authors not to do that. But Miller, having done it, having paid a price, and forever facing scrutiny, is pretty unlikely to ever do it again.

  10. about 6 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Agreed. That was a juvenile prank by Miller and a response was justified, but not removing the strip entirely. I’ve made my feelings known to my paper.