Georgia Dunn's Profile
Georgia Dunn Creator
Hello! I'm the cartoonist behind 'Breaking Cat News!' I enjoy illustrating, cartooning, baking, antique shops, old-timey detective shows, and anything with avocados. Wife, mother, cat lover. One day I hope to be a little old lady who rides around town on her bicycle solving mysteries.
Hello everyone!! I’m so delighted that you’re delighted! I’ve been quietly working on writing and inking roughs behind the scenes for a while now, and feel I finally have enough of a buffer to plug her back in!
I’ve said before and want to mention again, Swan Eaters is a story with a beginning, middle, and end! We’re about 2/3rds of the way through and … WHEW, the last 1/3 gets pretty wild! Hope you’re ready for some magical happenings!
And on a somber note, I wish so much I had been able to finish this in time for Bill Jackson, one of our readers who sadly passed away a few years ago now. He picked up on a lot of details in his comments; he caught a few things about to come. For the folks excited to do a re-read before January 20th, see if you spot Bill’s comments along the way. One thing in particular he caught before anyone else, and it’s going to be a fun time when it finally lands in the story.
I hope somehow he can see the new strips and we can all discuss them together on the other side one day many years from now (knock on wood). Miss you Bill!