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The Eskimo Pie trademark is owned by a Scandinavian company? That makes way more sense than most things in 2020
That took a bit of effort to parse
Running the same strip two weeks in a row makes me feel very Groundhog Day-ish
Holy crap! I’ve read all those books!
Not bad enough that he fills the kid’s head with crap. Now he wants Calvin in trouble with Mom too!
Got this one. When I retired it occurred to me that before lamps most people got at least 12 hours sleep in the winter. QED sleeping in is best!
Stephan Pastis is having a bad influence on you.
Perchance to dream? Ah, there’s the rub.
I had a coworker like that. Anything he didn’t want to do, he did so badly that you never asked again.
Does either of them still have a spleen?
The Eskimo Pie trademark is owned by a Scandinavian company? That makes way more sense than most things in 2020