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  1. over 9 years ago on Endtown

    I probably did come across a lot angrier than honestly intended. It’s more (a tad) wordily pointing out a common fallacy I’ve seen more often than you could ever imagine when it comes to female characters vs males.

    Thing is, people will paint a female character in a lot harsher a light often times. People often are hypercritical of female characters because their standards are more narrow and rigid than a male character’s. You see less females often in stories, and they rarely hold significance beyond “love interest” as opposed to males. Aaron does marvelous with having flawed females. We wouldn’t be getting into a discussion about it if he didn’t tell such a grand story with such interesting characters.

    As for sources for real life (something I opt to often not do as I don’t like spamming comments and am not sure how in the rules it even is): http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/domestic-violence-behind-half-deaths-women-killed-by-men-uk-1487659



    So yes, it very much is a thing, and that is a very scary thing to know. Is it an “all men are evil tirade”? No. It’s a “This happens all the time, actually.” explaination.

    Yes, I pity Jim, and it is a damn shame what happened to him. But to lay it all on Sarah? He did make those choices. Yes, in the end he went insane, but those actions were still done by him there. It’s accountability. As for Sarah, she’s not blameless, but it’s not all her. It’s understandable at a basic sense. Yes, you could paint her in a harsher light, it’s easy because the situation is relatable. In the end what does it matter? Unless she wasn’t in that crowd like we saw several pages back, she and Jim were burned to a crisp in this proverbial bed that they made.

  2. over 9 years ago on Endtown

    She? Sarah didn’t cause anything. Jim is the one who burned down the damned place and murdered as many people as he could in it. Sarah had every right to leave a relationship she wasn’t compatible with anymore. That’s bad huh? Leaving a guy in favor of a more normal life.

    Thing is, this might be some post apocalyptic story, but this isn’t a story women haven’t heard plenty enough in real headlines. Men kill women all the damned time for leaving them. Or sometimes even just for turning them down. Look it up sometime, there’s plenty of fresh articles from this year. In any given year, in the Us alone, there are over a thousand women killed by their exes. This is an all too real story in plenty of ways.

    So Sarah left a man who felt entitled to her because he did her a favor and as such felt he could keep her forever even if life threw her an astronomically against the odds favor by providing a her colony she actually could live a decent life in. Sure there was work she’d have to do, it wasn’t perfect, but it was more workable than wandering a wasteland in hope that maybe she could scratch out a life. Especially with a guy that literally, physically, wasn’t compatable with her.

    Jim got fucking dumped and responded by murdering unborn children and hundreds of people in an agonizing death by fire and left the survivors with a home he destroyed utterly. He made the choice to go out and kill people for her, she didn’t ask him to. He didn’t have to mutate himself, she didn’t tell him to there either.

    Oh but it’s her fault and she’s the bad one. Pooooor poooooor Jim. Get real and stop victim blaming the woman when the man decided the appropriate reaction to getting dumped is murder and destruction. It is very tasteless.

  3. almost 10 years ago on Endtown

    Real question to ask here is this: Who is she telling to not beat themselves up over Jim’s death; Piotr or herself?

    Just because she isn’t in hysterics and bawling her eyes out doesn’t mean she stone cold gives no fucks about Jim’s demise. I’m not willing to write her off as just a “cold blooded bitch” just yet. She’s more complex than that.

    Besides that, she didn’t owe Jim nothing for what ultimately were his choices and consequences. Even this wasn’t her fault. Jim doesn’t own her heart, body, and soul just because he did something decent.

    They already weren’t compatible anymore come the mutation. At least so in her mind. I think the stress of all of what’s happening coupled with a shot at a halfway “normal” life was a hell of a lot more appealing than wandering the wastes with Jim until they died.

    Who knows? She probably internalizes everything, she seems the logic type after all. She could be upset and we may not know about it until a lot later. What we have seen from her emotionally when it comes to Jim was a lot of stress, annoyance, and exasperation. Thinking she should have stuck it out with Jim isn’t all that realistic an expectation.

  4. almost 10 years ago on Endtown

    To be fair, men have murdered their partners before after they broke up. I hope he doesn’t cause any and all sympathy I’d’ve had for him would be gone.

  5. almost 10 years ago on Endtown

    Sorry Jim, but she doesn’t owe you shit. If you do a ton for somebody, that’s nice and all but in the end they don’t have to give you anything. It was his choice to do those things for her, she shouldn’t have to stick with him if she doesn’t want to. She just doesn’t see them as compatible anymore and I can’t blame her. That isn’t heartless, that’s life.

    Don’t do permanent shit to yourself, especially if you can’t handle the potential results. That applies to any and everything. People are harsh as hell on Sarah, but come on, the woman went through a whole lot of stuff all at once and finally has a place she live relatively happy and stable. Yeah it sucks for Jim, he might have saved her life, but he doesn’t own it.