My husband and I were married 58 years when he died five years ago. One of the hardest things for me was to get used to saying I, me, my and mine instead of us, we, and our(s). I still miss him every day.
I was checking for Apocalypse Now to be listed. My husband (Vietnam vet) went to see it in the theater when it first came out , then when he got home he played “The End” by the Doors over and over for days.
Does Tiffany really like Aaron Hill, or just pretend to like him just to goad Luann? Tiffany is the type that likes boys at least 2-3 years older than she is.
The Christmas I was in the 5th grade, I got both a doll and an erector set. I requested the erector set and one of my grandmothers gave me the doll, since she thought I was too much of a “tomboy.” I built all sorts of things with that erector set and passed it on to my younger brother who did the same.
I remember Ronnie Van Zant’s death in the plane crash. Sweet Home Alabama is my favorite song. I also remember exactly where I was when I heard that JFK had been shot!!
I was at Sam’s yesterday and bought only 5 items, however one was a gigantic pack of toilet paper. Fewest number of items I’ve bought there in a long time. Disclaimer: I was in a rush so didn’t have the time to linger and go up and down every isle or my cart would have ad many more items.
I remember having to say what state I was born in as well as my birthdate…not where I lived, just where I was born. That was about thirty years ago as I haven’t been to Canada since then.
I remember that episode!!