11666093 bear with honey

himbear Free

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  1. over 6 years ago on Doonesbury

    She has already been through it. Whatever comes now is much less pain than what she saw before. Especially since today already half the country is on her side – it never was like that in the past. This is the moment any victim is waiting for. It cannot give her back the peace of mind, but it definitely sends a sign to all the others; to those who might have done the deed in the future; to those who already did and will now remain locked in their past; and to those who suffered, to rise up, like she does. What we cannot assess is the effect of alcohol in this instance; it might well be that an inebriated youth had lost control of its marbles due to alcohol. Which might get him out of a criminal offense, but definitely makes him unfit for higher office, to get himself so drunk to lose it so completely is a sign of a weak character.

  2. over 6 years ago on Doonesbury

    Think again about those phone alerts: Wouldn’t you actually WANT to know when the Mafia Don is approaching? Might actually be the best evacuation incentive, except for those where we would not be too sad if they stayed behind with him and the flood.

  3. over 6 years ago on Non Sequitur

    In Switzerland, nobody expects to tell the truth in court. The judges are heaved into the job by their political party secretary, and the most important job of any defendant is to parse the political winds of the day and shape her story accordingly. Nothing to do with the truth. Great riches are acquired this way.

  4. over 6 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Make America Glide Again.

  5. over 6 years ago on Speed Bump

    As our Latin teacher used to say: The day has 24 hours, and if those are not enough to accomplish your tasks, then use the night, too.

  6. over 6 years ago on Doonesbury

    Nah, he’s just your ordinary greedy rich narcissist psycho. Lots of them around. Berlusconi, the Koch Brothers, Larry Ellison, Blocher, Deripaska, Jacob Zuma and the Guptas, Brazil’s Eike Batista, the Swiss-Angolan Bastos, etc, etc

  7. over 6 years ago on Doonesbury

    Called up from the reserves?

  8. over 6 years ago on Doonesbury

    @Doublejake: Wonderful! Congratulations to you both!

  9. over 6 years ago on Doonesbury

    @kaffekup: Most people in the AF, say 99%, are not engaged in battle as pilots, but just keep the planes flying. So to enlist in the AF is like getting a job with a glorified car repair shop, just with better protection and benefits.

  10. over 6 years ago on Doonesbury

    Children by and far prefer monogamy. There are the excepetions of the government kids, of course: the Janissars corps of bodyguards of the Turkish Sultan, the first standing army of modern times, christian boys stolen from the Balkans, enslaved and force-converted into Islam, militarized from age 6, housed in monastic military convents: These kids were raised by a different social system than monogamous couples. It worked for 400 years, they invaded, conquered, beheaded, raped and looted half the known world, from the siege and capture of Constantinople, to the Crimean wars, to Algiers and Cairo, to Sarajevo and the walls of Vienna. So yes, not raising your kids by a loving couple of parents, but by the serfs of some government, some Sultan, can give fabulous results to the Sultan. It also cost the lives of a dozen Sultans, murdered by their own bodyguards, who showed him the same love they had been shown. In a toned down way, it is the same story we hear of every orphanage: Every kid would rather be with loving parents, with an orphanage at best providing an excellent, but nevertheless second-best solution. Oh, and if the orphanages of Dickens, the catholic orphananges of Pennsylvania, Ireland, Boston, Chile, if the Janissars of the Ottomans, if those examples are not memento enough, then let’s look at the social experiment in optimal child-rearing conducted by the master of social engineering: The Lebensborn of Adolf H: Where the serious matter of procreation and optimal gene selection was taken from the hands of bumbling individuals, and entrusted to the experts of the BDM and SS, like at the cattle ranch. Producing tens of thousands of lost souls with flaxen hair and blue, lost, eyes.