No bio available
I cut this one out and framed it, hung it in my cubicle and everyone that came to talk to me got a belly laugh from it.
…or just need a short snooze!
(To the tune of “Fulsom Prison”). I hear a sound a comin, a thistle in the wind, it’s a club a swingin and it’s gonna be there soon….
I get the feeling Frank isn’t looking at the report…
I think what Ralphie really ment to day was “Why you aren’t dead is a mystery to me”
…..a total lobotomy??
.50 now versus 250.00 at the dentist office…you do the math!
Probably mom and dads 2600 dollar carpet!
Ohhhhahhhh, did he get a star on his to-do-list on the fridge???
Family and friends, we come here to say goodbye to the mortal remains of Calvin……
I cut this one out and framed it, hung it in my cubicle and everyone that came to talk to me got a belly laugh from it.