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TheGiantSnutch Free

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  1. over 10 years ago on Dilbert Classics

    I’ve never watched much TV, but as for PBS, about the only thing they ever had going was NOVA. Now THAT’S good TV. (Although actually, I watch it online at the NOVA web site.)

  2. over 10 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Guinness sold in North America is brewed under license in Canada. Says so right on the bottle.

  3. over 10 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Nothing wrong with their stout but their Irish Red is terrible.

  4. over 10 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    The dirty little secret is that there isn’t a lot of good beer in Germany. Our micro-breweries in Oregon and the beer of England and Ireland is much much better.

    Although that didn’t stop me from drinking a lot of beer in Germany.

  5. over 10 years ago on Dilbert Classics

    This appeared back when Scott Adams used to actually have fun story lines instead the recycled office-funeral-dirges he has put out over the past couple years. Not that I fault him any – it would be impossible for anyone to stay freshly creative for that long.

  6. over 10 years ago on Lio


  7. over 10 years ago on Wizard of Id

    I could get behind that.

  8. over 10 years ago on Stone Soup International Sundays

    Gold digger! HA!

    I’ve enjoyed this strip ever since the days of Sister City. Years ago, when I thought I had the talent to break into cartooning, Ms. Eliot gave me a few pointers at a local comedy club where she was a judge and later in email. (We live in the same town.)

    I never did get the big cartooning break but always thought it was very cool of her to take the time and do what she did for me in that regard.

  9. over 10 years ago on Ripley's Believe It or Not

    I hear turtle brains were all the rage until Ray-Bans were on the market.

  10. over 10 years ago on Pooch Cafe

    Mail dude’s about to get a special delivery it seems.