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kruzingwithk9s Premium

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  1. over 3 years ago on The Other Coast

    Thank you naturlvr-the farmers in Idaho and other states out that way have an easy cheap way of keeping coyotes and wolves away (by tying waving flags on their fences) but they whine and don’t want to have to work and the convince the gov with their money to kill the wolves. We have lived out in the country for years with farmers and have lots of coyote packs that have not harmed anyone and their farming.

  2. almost 4 years ago on Little Dog Lost

    My daughter had a friend who told her “common sense does not grow in everybody’s garden”. Problem is today common sense does not seem to grow in anybody’s garden. How sad. Pasted and cut the death post. How appropriate.

  3. almost 4 years ago on Overboard

    I love January weather unlike a lot of people. I would have given him a thank you.