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ecbluebutterfly2 Free

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Recent Comments

  1. almost 12 years ago on Herb and Jamaal

    GOOD one Mr. Bentley!! LOVE this comic strip…Please keep up the good work!!m kdk

  2. almost 15 years ago on For Heaven's Sake

    “GOD SAID IT, I BELIEVE IT, THAT SETTLES IT” !!! EVERYONE who has Ever read a Bible (of Any “translation”) Knows that for each ONE verse you read, and three other people read the identical verse…there will be MINIMALLY FOUR “versions” or “translations”… People, why can’t you accept this for what it is? EASTER GREETINGS! This artist/Minister is “merely” sharing the JOY of Easter Morning with us…why can’t you just accept it at that! WHY “Argue” ?? After all is said and done..the bottom line IS: Jesus was crucified for US, (poor sinners that WE ALL ARE!) and God took Him back to Heaven to be at His Right Hand!! AMEN,,, and THANK God for that!

  3. almost 15 years ago on For Heaven's Sake

    GET A LIFE, PEOPLE!! I understood this Perfectly! Mary saw her Son crucified, and grieved…then HE let he know that what HE had Told her,had come True! HE was “Risen and in Heaven with HIS Heavenly Father” and Mary’s Joy was complete, beCause of this!! God’s Peace and Blessings for All of you! bluebutterfly