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  1. about 5 years ago on Prickly City

    Lets see… Do you remember Comey and she did many BAD THINGS (if you did those same BAD THINGS you would be the hot ticket on Conjugal visit day) but NO REASONABLE PROSECUTOR would prosecute her because She didn’t mean to be bad. I seem to remember hearing some where during my life, a line from the ruling classes bench sitters that goes like this…“Ignorance of the law is NO EXCUSE.” But she (and they) are better than you so it is all good….. Right?When are you idiots going to stop kissing the feet of your oppressors? (Both parties/clubs)They all hate you, and see you as nothing but food for their machine.To them YOU (and every other American) that does not come on their knees bearing GIFT$ should keep their distance. And after the $$$$ are delivered…Get Lost. You know like the BERN and his selective socialism where you all get a double wide (if you are lucky) and he has 3 homes. (One of which is a $600,000.00 Summer Home) I had a summer home once I called it a tent.

    “The trouble ain’t that there are too many fools. Only that the lightning ain’t distributed right.” Mark Twain Now go feed and then walk your pet rocks.

  2. about 5 years ago on Scott Stantis

    How could he with hold anything? Shiff said he has the evidence of collusion.With the entire collection DC (slave) (that would be you) controllers working to con you, you would think at least some of their lies could have been made to fit their narrative.

  3. about 5 years ago on Scott Stantis

    Obviously you were not paying attention… Adam $hiff said that YOU cannot be trusted to vote “the right way” so your all knowing (what is best for themselves) MASTERS are running the latest version of Salem Mass for Pet Rocks. I bet you even think that “your side” cares about you. If Trump were not there and you were and your were not doing as they tell you, you would be the one in the bonfire. Since (many of) you embrace the socialist ideal, here is what one of your hero’s that made the socialist ideal work (for him and his lieutenants) said about being in charge of things.

    All political power comes from the barrel of a gun.

    MAO ZEDONG!Guess witch end of the gun you will be on

  4. about 6 years ago on Prickly City

    When are you idiots going to get it? Trump, Pelosi, Rep, Dem… WRONG There is America that would be you, and there is THE SYSTEM, that would be them. YOU DO NOT MATTER to them except as an organ donor, and taxable drone. If you do not come bearing gifts (on your knees of course) you have no purpose. You are robbing them of their O2 supply.You will never be part of their big club. I say big club because that is what (metaphorically speaking) they use to beat you into compliance. Example NY state (AKA The Peoples Republic of NY) has a budget short fall (LOL) of $4 billion, but … The next time you pay your student loan, write a tuition check or contribute to your children’s college fund, know that New York Assembly Democrats and Gov. Cuomo are pushing to give free college tuition to illegal immigrants. This is called buying votes, from criminals (illegals, invader’s) for criminals (politicians) Check out how many NY politician’s are doing time (you get to pay for that too) What a deal!! Where are you in this? CNN will be on soon to tell you how lucky you are and what a bad person you are if you do not comply or God forbid complain about the screwing you are getting to pay for. Remember their motto: Bend over, We’ll drive. They don’t care one bit about you or your children. You Don’t matter!!!

  5. about 6 years ago on Prickly City

    You are right. “We won’t become Venezuela.” 280 Million guns in the hands of 80 million Americans says you are right.And if you idiots think that means we would turn on our neighbors you are even dumber than one of your Socialist Lib over lords Hank (Guam is sinking) Johnson.

    I like to do my own thinking, not bow and grovel before THE STATE".A State that grants itself and its enforcer units absolution for murder. That funnels your taxes back to the folks that line the campaign treasure boxes.A state with a propaganda operation CNN (The Commie Nazi Network.) They all lie to you.(See NETWORK Howard Beale) But CNN goes over the top when it comes to deceiving the flock. Like the smear job it did on the children from the school in KY. Like labeling the Gov. (Mr. Infanticide) of VA. with a GREAT BIG® when he is a Lib Dem.With the latest evidence coming out regarding Ms. Race card herself Lizzy (Borden (To the truth) Warren lets see how many puff pieces and soft ball questions come her way from CNN and THE VIEW. Better order some more Chap Stick, I can see a load of kissing up on the way. Yesterday during the Patriots “We Won” parade there was mention of the Patriots owner having a yacht. Well there is a Socialist just to the west of Mass (The Peoples Republic of NY) where the DEER LEADER put a provision in the state budget a few years back that lets anyone that is a Yacht (or personal aircraft) buyer pay taxes only on the first $250,000 no matter the cost of the item. I am sure that, that really lessens the burden on the middle class. So I am sure he has your best interests at heart. Hey come over here I have a bridge I want to sell you. After you buy the bridge you can go over it to the zoo with the rainbow unicorns.

  6. about 6 years ago on Scott Stantis

    I think we are about to witness Toxic Advertising. I am thinking that the $ale$ Side of things is about to get a clean shave.

  7. about 6 years ago on Prickly City

    By out of touch with reality (aka The Ugly truth) you mean like this…https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSHyAwErdFM

  8. over 6 years ago on Prickly City
    Question, Did Trump or anyone who was working for him regardless of who or where they were working change one vote? If he or whoever did then prosecute that person or persons. If not then end this All World money making operation for Mueller and his Anti-American pals, that just like “The War On TERROR” has no true enemy (they make up crimes as they stumble along) and never will end until the $$$$ runs out. This witch hunt is supposed to be about vote tampering, right? Well just who of the people being attacked tampered with anyone’s voting rights? All political ads regardless of where they come form are nothing but a smear campaign. Vote for me because my opponent is worse. Didn’t Obama involve himself in the Israel elections in 2015?

    If anyone (the Nazi/Pravda) like media included really wants to “GET TRUMP” then it is very easy. Go after him for willfully and gleefully promoting and supporting the governments continuing violation of the U.S. Constitution.

    Thing is that IF they do then they open Pandora’s box to Obama, Bush (1 & 2) Clinton. It is called “Civil Asset Forfeiture” , and it is an undeniable violation of the 4th and 5th amendments. Can you say …Preserve,Protect, and Defend the Constitution…?

    They are all NFG, this includes your Anti-American Libs. You know like Bernie S. who made over a million dollars last year and Liz W. and her 4 hundred thousand dollar pay day for teaching one class and wants “FREE” college for everyone. Lets not forget NO Wall Nancy and her walled in home.

    “I am an enemy of the State. But isn’t everyone?” “Better a cruel truth than a comfortable delusion.”–Edward Abbey