Yes! Was that a late 60’s early 70’s thing? We had one in our house, spray painted gold and in the center some faux greenery (probably holly) or maybe some small Christmas balls? I also remember “Christmas trees” made from Reader’s Digest magazines, and the every popular pasta art! I seem to recall “bells” made by gluing shell-shaped pasta to an inverted solo cup. Punch a hole in the top and thread ribbon to hang it, and 2 pieces of pasta glued together at the bottom of the ribbon was the bell clapper!
Yeah, the whole online directions thing annoys the heck out of me. Even if it’s something I may not refer to on a regular basis, when I do need to look up something or troubleshoot a problem it is so much easier and quicker to go to the binder I keep and flip through to the appliance I need, vs logging on to my computer, trying to remember where I put the file, what did I name, have to scroll back and forth through pages … especially for things like ovens, air fryers, crockpots. Doesn’t take long to learn the basic functions but Cat forbid you decide to cook something different and need to find the setting, time, temperature!
George Carlin has nothing on OZ!