
craigmiller71 Free

Recent Comments

  1. 2 months ago on Over the Hedge

    Is he wearing an adult nappy?

  2. 10 months ago on Bob the Angry Flower

    Nice use of “whom”

  3. 11 months ago on Over the Hedge

    “Butterfly Farts Go ‘Splort’” sounds like a good title for an Over The Hedge anthology

  4. about 1 year ago on Bob the Angry Flower

    @GoingtotheDogs: you’ve obviously never read this cartoon before.

  5. about 1 year ago on Bob the Angry Flower

    He should count himself lucky that his favored TV show hasn’t been canned by the network (yet)

  6. over 1 year ago on Bob the Angry Flower

    Having watched more of it I need to revise my feedback. Seasons 1 and 2 were great, season 3 was disappointing and season 4 is just bad. It’s fallen into the Doctor Who trap – stupid storylines, fairytale technologies, over-acting, laughable monsters, always the same villain (a la The Master) and too much incidental music trying to tell me how to think and feel. Unsurprisingly, none of the episodes were written by Terry Nation. Very disappointing. The one small speck of redemption comes from the character of Soolin who’s awesome and provides an island of sanity in a sea of 80s kitsch.

  7. over 1 year ago on Bob the Angry Flower

    I’m rewatching the whole thing at the moment and it’s not just good for the time and budget, it’s GOOD. The story-lines, the characters, the acting, the lack of over-the-top incidental music (I’m looking at you, Doctor Who) are all top shelf. Where are the Terry Nations of today??

  8. over 1 year ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    That last panel makes my teeth hurt.

  9. over 4 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    My thoughts exactly.

  10. over 4 years ago on Over the Hedge

    A scientific paper has said it was more likely to have come via turtles as they’re sold openly in Wuhan markets and they act as a “virus reservoir, carrying more than dozens of viruses” whereas pangolins are only sold on the black market.