There was an old Sherlock Holmes movie wherein the villain placed a poisonous spider on his victims. The bite caused such pain that the victims threw themselves off rooftops.
Here in Ottawa, same latitude as northern Wisconsin, we are also getting an almost snowless winter. Fortunately, it is colder than a witches heart, and the Rideau Canal Skateway is in great shape.
Suzuki admits that a sudden move away from fossil fuels would be very costly; but such a move is unnecessary. We should be lowering our national debt by selling our fuel reserves (and beef) while they are needed, so that we can remain strong and prepare for the future. Fusion reactors are sure to be expensive. Should we make huge investments in fission reactors, or wind & solar, that might be obsolete by mid-century? Despite the doom-sayers, there is no need to panic, we have time to decide.
Aren’t they all about wine & gossip?