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In today’s strip, Jami is played by Leonardo DiCaprio from What’s Eating Gilbert Grape.
What is happening in P3? What is on Marty? What is coming out of Peaches’ mouth?
Is the Bucket 24 hours? And do they have 4am bars in Milford? Why do I continue to read this strip? So many questions.
That’s not Marty. That’s Moe Howard’s evil twin.
Panel 1 looks suspiciously like panel 2 in yesterday’s strip. Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse…
Is the quarterback’s right bicep 4 inches long? And is he carrying a tray?
I don’t know. Third base!
Goshen players just reading coach’s thoughts.
Great googly moogly! What’s with the pinhead in panel 3?
In today’s strip, Gil Thorp is played by former Nirvana bassist Krist Novoselic.
In today’s strip, Jami is played by Leonardo DiCaprio from What’s Eating Gilbert Grape.