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Recent Comments

  1. about 9 years ago on Luann

    I think it is time for Luann to expand her romantic horizons now that she has dumped Quill… Pru is just down the hall…A little experimentation might open new opportunities for Luann’s growth and self exploration. A threesome might be outside the box for the family comic page however…

  2. about 10 years ago on Luann

    The best definition of liberalism is that good intentions lead to good results. Rosa seems to feel that with her high school education that good intentions can help the people of that village. Local healers are probably pretty well trained in traditional remedies that she knows nothing about. She has zero training that she might have picked up if she “wasted” her time in medical or nursing school.

    At least Gunther had technical skills to offer, which he has the wisdom to judge useless in this setting. Bravo to him Rosa displays arrogance in thinking she has anything to offer the indigenous people. They want you to come and leave real skills behind, not just good intentions and useless platitudes. The people who live there are not stupid, lazy or helpless, they are poor. Unless she is packing a platinum American Express card, she should go home and gain some real skills to offer.