White middle-aged middle-class married heterosexual conservative
Space: 1999
Geez, I haven’t thought of that show for a while now…
Looks like the house is weeping.
It’s been literally decades for me.
Remembering all the pyrotechnical stuff me and my buddies did when we were young, I’m surprised we all survived to adulthood.
Yeah, it doesn’t really work that way, except in sci-fi movies. Of course, Amend knows that.
M. C. Escher. Read about him in Douglas Hofstadter’s book (1981): Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid
Alan looks like the older brother in Bob’s Burgers.
The LD-50 for theobromine (the potential poison in chocolate) is about 330 Hershey’s dark chocolate bars, or several pounds of the stuff.
Space: 1999
Geez, I haven’t thought of that show for a while now…