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  1. about 10 years ago on Non Sequitur
    bet that these are all items are just too hot for him to write about successfully without causing much discomfort to the writer or reader. No, he chooses a subject that he knows will draw a knee jerk response for most readers -as proven by some of the ignorant responses below -and that he has bias about already
  2. about 10 years ago on Non Sequitur

    not the fully automatic (just hold the trigger down)designed for the military. Lastly, predominately these accurate rifles are owned and used for target shooting and hunting small game. I know the purpose of this cartoon is to cause controversy and dialog. However, knowing that most people who watch the news do not question its authenticity ( i.e. Brian Williams -NBC), also would not question this misrepresentation of hunters or the shooting industry. You do need to ask yourself, why doesn’t Wiley write about the legalization of marijuana. Or the deadly affects of alcohol? Or the lack of respect for life in America? Or abortion. Or maybe the golden grail -the religion of terrorism? I

  3. about 10 years ago on Non Sequitur

    It too bad that an editorial is made about a subject that Wiley has no knowledge about. As do most of the submitted comments.In summary, no ethical hunter (of which that are millions) would hunt any large game with this type of rifle. Wiley insinuation of this is based on ignorance. He really needs to research his subject before he draws cartoons that are totally false. Also, these rifles are semi auto, which means that you must pull the trigger for each shot taken not the fully automatic (just hold the trigger down)designed for the military. Lastly, predominately these accurate rifles are owned and used for target shooting and hunting small game. I know the purpose of this cartoon is to cause controversy and dialog. However, knowing that most people who watch the news do not question its authenticity ( i.e. Brian Williams -NBC), also would not question this misrepresentation of hunters or the shooting industry. You do need to ask yourself, why doesn’t Wiley write about the legalization of marijuana. Or the deadly affects of alcohol? Or the lack of respect for life in America? Or abortion. Or maybe the golden grail -the religion of terrorism? I bet that these are all items are just too hot for him to write about successfully without causing much discomfort to the writer or reader. No, he chooses a subject that he knows will draw a knee jerk response for most readers -as proven by some of the ignorant responses below -and that he has bias about alreadyFinally, I know that this response/ comment will be like casting the" pearls in front of the swine" but hopefully some of you will actually research these persons and groups that are law abiding citizens that have families or careers in the firearm industry (or related industries) and make an educated decision about firearms based on facts not a ignorant cartoon interpretation.