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  1. about 10 years ago on Non Sequitur

    You guys are hysterical and prove that you, though your ignorance, are the truly dangerous ones. The military look-alikes that you guys call ‘Assault Rifles’ (a term coined by Adolf Hitler concerning a weapon firing a cartridge on full automatic, as well as automatic, and of intermediate size between a pistol and a rifle) such as the AR15 fire a .22 caliber sized projectile (.223) which drills TINY pencil-diameter holes in what it hits. Now, if you used a 12 gauge shotgun with 00 buckshot or Slugs, THEN you’d get the effect you so ignorantly refer to. The proof of how LESS LETHAL an AR15 is over a 9mm let’s say ‘Glock’, is someone like Seung-Hui Cho, who used 9mm Glock and a Walther .22 caliber handguns to murder 31 innocent people, none of which had a magazine over 10 rounds in capacity. The other butchering psycho, Adam Lanza, had to shoot the poor little munchkins several times each to kill them with his AR15. Cho accomplished his butchery with a single shot in most cases.

    These mass shooters are very similar to you guys. They weren’t gun owners. They murdered, stole, or had someone else buy their weapons at the last minute so they could slaughter people, and at the same time they were making their infamous ‘mark’ on history, they were contributing to the gun control argument. The only one in memory is the psycho in North Carolina, who was an actual gun owner, but he was an ATHEIST LEFT WINGER who hated all religions.

    Prove me wrong and publish this. Knowing your tendency to censor “1984” style any opposing viewpoint, I’ll be very surprised if you do.

    Britons like to sing “Britons never, never, never shall be slaves” but in fact they are. Americans don’t sing and we mean it when we tell you you’ll never disarm over 135 million gun owners over the murder and mayhem committed by a few of your fellow deluded Left Wingers. “The most effectual way to enslave The People is to disarm them” Sam Adams, Founder.