Burn baby burn, disco inferno
Da raccoon, da raccoon, da raccoon is on fire
Jim does not have fingers, just really sticky nubs.
The anthropomorphic plague could easily be pandemic, I would assume the damage from the zero weapons to affect population centers.
Reminds me of when I had a motorcycle and no face shield. Cough…
Ala Frankenstein’s monster “fire bad”
Maybe Kirbee is a gecko lizard and can shimmy straight up. Pulling Chic and Holly along as well.
Given mutated lizard-anthro anatomy that would be terribly painful and horrifically hilarious.
In a surprise twist Steve Irwin appears and wrestles Phil into submission.
Oh yes, there will be blood.
I vote for extreme violence!
Burn baby burn, disco inferno
Da raccoon, da raccoon, da raccoon is on fire